The Map

The Map

July 24, 202311 min read

talkwithada | The map

The word “LOVE” cannot completely  describe the intention of christ while teaching and instructing Matthew to write the words in Matthew chapter .
believe it  when I say Jesus was concerned  how we can know him, the ways we should live that will draw us closer to him , the kind of people he is looking for in the house of his father , the kind of people that the door of the kingdom is open for . he intended through this teaching lay out the first steps to build a relationship with God.
if you study the whole of chapter 5 which we will be diving into we get to understand that Jesus knows that the change we desire and that which the Father wants from us will have to start from the mind , fixing our moral standard of living for Matthew 5 doesn’t just speak about the blessings we will gain but the characters that we should have , and is expected to be found in the kingdom of God has it’s rules culture and way of living which the Holy spirit teaches us each day and the word of God gives us insight and guidelines to become citizens of God’s kingdom here on earth. That’s why I call it the MAP .

Note : the word “ blessed “ you are among those who are free from earthly cares and struggles of pleasing men and inner self conflicts for them will you start acting according to the godly like nature that God has originally given to us .


Blessed are the poor in spirit , for theirs is the kingdom of heaven .
the poor in spirit are those who embrace the spirit of humility that comes with knowing God and reaching out to christ through repentance , for theirs is the kingdom of God .
having the humility is the act of one depriving themselves from the desire of SELF. The desire of SELF births Ego, Pride and selfishness to play whenever we are in the midst of decision making choice of actions towards a person , situation and your relationship with God.


Acknowledge that you need help . That’s the first action to take , acknowledge that your ways cannot set things going , your desire is not the ultimate , that which the flesh wants you to. Do or that you do is not what God wants .then you submit to christ , summit to the will of the father and repent ( feel remorse for your previous ways of living and open up for the Holy Spirit to teach you ).


Blessed are those who mourn , for they shall be comforted .
no matter how broken or in pain, maybe carrying the burden of un-forgiveness, emptiness ,the arms of the lord is yours , for they will surely be comforted for every broken and concrete heart in christ will be comforted for his word stated that Gods cross is easy to bear and he brings peace to the mind .
in other view being truly vulnerable in the presence , that is having the absence of pride , superiority , entitlement in the presence of God is a great way to know God more and experience him in a more deeper way .

Note : open up to God and he is always open to welcome you .


Blessed are the Meek , for they shall inherit the earth, that is the whole world belongs to them , means divinely fortunate is someone who summits totally to the divine will and purpose of God .
christ Jesus was when he was on earth, is as of date and always will be an example of this character . Jesus moved and acted on the will of God his father . Mind you sometimes the will of God Makes no sense to human reasoning and might not fit to what you would have done or will do . In the other hand , you  CANNOT PLEASE MAN “ . Human beings are not easily satisfied and if you chose to please them you will fail and fall into enmity with God.
The only person , who knows “MAN “well enough to  teach you their heart , how to handle each other with wisdom from God, and how to control your emotional relationship with each other is  God alone . And he alone  can control any man's heart and teach you the right way to live, so allow God’s will to subside your own will and answer to his call of wisdom each day so he can reform your mindset which will reflect in your actions and character ,so that you alone will not know God but others will know God through you (leading by character )  with that you will dominate the earth.

Note : domination means dealing with everything that concerns the world not to control you nor the outcome of your existence on earth but rather the will of God is in control , and that .


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after or for righteousness , for they shall be filled . The question of How do I know God ? Or how will I go about life that is already messed up ? This is the answer , you need to hunger to know god’s way and thirst after it first , the choice has to Come from you no one can make that choice for you and no one can force you, it has to be a conscious effort from your end . That why the Bible says “Seek see first the kingdom of God and every other thing shall be added to you.
divinely fortunate are those who hunger t be good and just according to the desire of God for us, there’s no benefit to be wicked or unkind to each other , to seek the destruction of others.
the more you desire to do things , act and behave the way God wants it the more you will be satisfied and filled daily with the knowledge that will enable you live the life pleasing of God .


Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy . A section  of the prayer that christ taught was “……. Forgive us as we forgive those who trespass against us”. divinely fortunates are those who show mercy for them shall obtain mercy from God.
Mercy is a foundation where forgives, benevolence and kids lies, when you forgive by overcoming the feeling of anger and resentment , then you show benevolence and kindness by withholding the harsh treatment that you have the right to inflict . That also will the way God treats your issue .
when you show mercy you find yourself …..

  1. Advocating

  2. Assisting

  3. Hoping through giving not on the base that the person is worthy of it but because you desire to give because it pleases God

  4. Spiritually assisting people without an expectation of physical compensation .


Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
this means ,lovely fortunate are those whose heart are pure for they shall see God. Pure in heart are those whose mind and heart are deprived of greed, false interpretations , false accusations , selfishness , anger hypocrisy . Hate , bears grudge , cheats and lie against one another e.t.c . Any heart devoid of these things will see God , experiencing God in different ways we cannot imagine , communicate with God in. Avery personal note , why? Because his temple in you which. Is your heart is fully empty and read for him to deal , compared to when your heart has no space for him to deal . So many seek out for who will give prophesy and see visions for them because they do not understand this principle and are not willing to change their way of life to fit this standard and be that person who can see God.


Blessed are the peacemaker , for they shall be called the sons of God.
divinely fortunate are those who seek , purse peace in the heart, around them and among people for then will you have the right standing , clarity of mind and judgement to do things according to the way a good child represent his \ her father in heaven and here on earth here .
Your heart that is at peace will find no time or space to think evil, justify their selfish action, make wrong conclusions of people , plan revenge and harbor  anger with any type of  ill feeling towards anyone , because the holy spirit of God  is occupying already and he is teaching , directing your mind , thoughts, heart and understanding in the right direction to take up decisions and right application of the teaching of the word of God.
the sweet part of this single art is that , it will place you I apposition were you will be unpredictable , those who wants to know where to provoke you , will find it difficult to know you and how they can get you into their trap , because they one who is now in control of your life is a wind that cannot be trapped and you automatically become like Him ( A WIND ) .


Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake , for theirs is the kingdom of heaven .
the book of “ Romans 8 vs 17  says..….. for we must share his suffering if we are to share his Glory “. The glory of christ the he ascended is that by the mentioning of his name every knee must bow , demons tremble ….
we will enjoy this glory as well. Demons will obey and be afraid when we speak in the name of christ Jesus , Door that are closed  will hear the command of our voice in the name of Jesus and open , because we are not calling the name as empty vessels but we also bear the mark of christ we are living a life of godlike, we are spiritually equipped with the word of God (His truth) which is our greatest amour by not being just hearers but also doers of the word of God . When the power of doing the word of God reflects on you and then you speak or declare in his name , you will see the difference and this is the point when you know are blessed , truly divinely fortunate .

Note : divinely fortunate are those who stand in righteousness of doing God's instruction ,living a life worthy of Him, doing the right things a according to God's divinely will and purpose , for the kingdom of heaven is for you , this doesn’t only mean you are going to heaven , it also implies you have being marked as child , a citizen and also entitled to all of it’s benefits too .


Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kind of evil against you falsely for my sake , rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets before you .
people who don’t know God will always  want to shame you for serving him , they will come up wit different way to make sure they pull you down to prove  a point that you are not serving the true living God . Don’t be shaken or be in a situation that they will make you test your God , remember what Stan wanted to do to christ and shut them with love , don’t hate but love and pray . For if they know that what they are doing is increasing how great your reward in heaven will be trust me they will stop . Remind yourself that their mockery , insults , abuse is increasing your reward that your father will give you in heaven .

Note : don’t forget to handle the situation with love and prayer .
give thanks each time to God . “ thank you lord for forgiving me and giving me the grace to be in this position and I pray that you show them same love and grace also that you for the increase . Amen

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